Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust Lozenge
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Building work for new Learning and Development Centre starts next week at Calderdale Royal

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Following the demolition of the old buildings on Dryclough Close, the site is being prepared for the new Learning and Development Centre at Calderdale Royal Hospital. This work will involve people and machinery to be on the site from the week commencing 22 January 2024.

Works will normally take place between Monday and Friday during the hours of 8am and 6pm, and noise levels will be carefully monitored throughout the day.

These preparatory works are expected to last around eight weeks, before the modular installation starts in the spring. The new facility is planned to be completed in late August 2024. 

An artist's impression of the learning and development centre shows the building has two floors and is set in a wellbeing garden, with a grey pavement and some trees